Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Redwood City AYSO


Step 1:  Go to AYSO1.ORG  - login or create a new account

If you have a login already, click on LOGIN, and skip the next step.

If you don't already have a login created, click on the REGISTER NOW link in the upper right and follow the directions.  You will register with your email address, provide a password, and then go through an email verification step.  

Step 2: Login to AYSO1.ORG

Once you are logged in to your account you should see a page that looks like the picture below.  This is the same page from which you would have registered any of your children as players for the Fall 2022 season.   

Step 3:  Click on the Volunteer link on the left hand side.

Step 4:  click on Find Volunteer Roles

Step 5: find Fall 2022 Volunteer Registration (Board, Refs, VIP) and select View Divisions

Then check the Volunteer Registration checkbox, and then "View Opportunities"

Step 6:  click on the Select button on the Referee pane.  If you are under 18, then choose Youth Referee. 
(Please do not use Assistant Referee - how you register here has no bearing on what assignments you will take during the season)

then if you are registering yourself, click the profile on the left hand side as shown below

Then click on the "Continue" button that appears next on the lower right.

The "Sign up a new user" would be used to create a volunteer registration for one of your kids or other family member who is going to also sign up to referee

The rest of the flow is pretty self explanatory.  Fill in the contact information section,  Proof of Identification info, Additional Information.  You will also have to View and Accept a couple of waivers.

The Plus signs next to "Fingerprinting - California Only", "AYSO Safe Haven", etc. are there in case you have certificates that you can upload if you have taken these for a different organization or different region within AYSO.  

Background Check
One of the steps will involve consenting to a background check through Sterling.   This will involve going to your email inbox and clicking on a link from Sterling to complete that process.

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Contact Us

Redwood City AYSO

1017 El Camino Real, Unit #313
Redwood City, California 94063

Email Us: [email protected]
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